


President Barack Obama scored a fragile diplomatic victory on Friday as Israel and the Palestinians indicated they were ready to resume (1) direct peace talks in Washington on September 2.


But the way forward is uncertain and Obama faces risks that any new setback (2) could poison U.S. ties with the Muslim world and strain relations with Israel as Washington seeks a united front on issues including the struggle against Islamic extremists and efforts to contain Iran’s nuclear ambitions.

為何選在這個時間點?WHY NOW?美國政府長期以來迫切要求重啟以巴對話。美國中東和平特使密契爾數月以來,不停穿梭於以色列總理尼坦雅胡、巴勒斯坦自治政府主席阿巴斯之間,以解決中東分歧。

The United States has been pressing hard for direct negotiations to resume. U.S. Middle East envoy George Mitchell has shuttled between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for months to resolve differences.


Obama wanted the talks under way before September 26, when Israel’s 10-month moratorium on West Bank settlement construction is due to end. Any full-scale resumption of settlement building could torpedo negotiations for good.


Netanyahu has said he was ready for direct talks but said there should be no preconditions (3) attached -- a position echoed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Friday.


Abbas, on the other hand, insisted on and received a parallel statement by the quartet of Middle East peace mediators -- the United States, Russia, the United Nations and the European Union -- that Palestinians say lays out an agenda for the talks and repeats earlier calls on Israel to halt Jewish settlement building on occupied land.

會談目標為何?WHAT IS THE GOAL?希拉蕊希望協商後,能夠在一年內達成具體目標。如此一來,將永久終結以色列的佔領,也順勢建立一個獨立、民主與可實行的「巴勒斯坦國」。

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wants the talks to produce a deal within 12 months that would ultimately end Israeli occupation and establish an independent, democratic and viable Palestinian state.


The quartet, which issued its own invitation to the Washington talks, said the negotiations should be accompanied by a drive to build up the fledgling Palestinian state, which could require U.S. pressure on its Arab allies to step up their financial commitments to the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority.


The United States hopes a deal between Israel and the Palestinians will open the door to a comprehensive regional peace agreement that could involve Syria, Lebanon and Jordan resolving a diplomatic conundrum that has bedeviled successive U.S. administrations for more than 50 years.


Obama invited both Jordan’s King Abdullah and Egypt’s President Hosni Mubarak to attend the Washington summit, a sign that U.S. officials are hoping for a broader regional buy-in to the new peace effort.

願景為何?WHAT ARE THE PROSPECTS?自90年代初,以巴談判代表已多次磋商;但每回早日取得進展的希望都無疾而終。

Israeli and Palestinian negotiators have come to the table repeatedly since the early 1990s but in each case early hopes for progress collapsed.


Abbas broke off the last effort in 2008 after the Gaza war, and the two sides remain far apart on key issues including competing claims on Jerusalem as the capital, a fair settlement for Palestinian refugees, the fate of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and whether Israel would be able to patrol the international borders of a future Palestinian state.


But there are real pressures on both sides to get the process on track. Obama will signal his personal involvement by meeting individually with Abbas and Netanyahu before the talks formally begin.

歐巴馬的下一步?WHAT’S NEXT FOR OBAMA?對歐巴馬來說,重啟停滯的談判是重要的一步棋。歐巴馬希望,這次會談解決以巴僵局後,能夠支撐他修復美國與穆斯林世界的關係。先前這份關係在伊拉克與阿富汗戰爭受到嚴重考驗。

The prospect of resuming long-stalled negotiations is a welcome coup for Obama, who hopes that resolving the impasse (4) between Israel and the Palestinians will bolster his drive to repair U.S. relations with the Muslim world, which have been tested by wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.


But with every step forward comes the possibility of a step back, and the U.S. administration will watch warily for signs that either the Israelis or the Palestinians are ready to pull the plug if talks drag on without resolution.


U.S. relations with Israel have been rocky since Obama took office, and the U.S. administration is entering a delicate period with U.S. congressional elections looming in November and pro-Israel sentiment strong among American lawmakers and voters.


Obama needs Israel’s help not only to forge (5) a regional peace but also to maintain the careful international approach to Iran, which both Israel and major Western powers suspect is seeking to develop atomic weapons.


The United States has led a successful push to impose sanctions on Tehran, which says its nuclear program is purely for peaceful purposes.


But Israel -- assumed to have its own atomic arsenal -- has hinted at military strikes as a last resort to deny Iran the means to make a nuclear bomb, a move that could draw the United States into an unplanned confrontation that could jeopardize U.S. interests around the world.


關鍵字詞Key Words1. resume

(v.) 重新開始、繼續

2. setback

(n.) 挫敗

3. precondition

(n.) 先決條件

4. impasse

(n.) 僵局

5. forge

(v.) 加速前進

文章來源: 台灣立報

    創作者 大型器具產業報導 的頭像


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