

英國環境行動人士抗議化石燃料與其投資者的行動,在23日發起大規模的串聯。愛丁堡的氣候行動營抗議蘇格蘭皇家銀行(Royal Bank of Scotland, RBS)投資化石燃料,以行動迫使銀行總部關門;綠色和平船隻則在北極海域,抗議英國廠商凱恩能源公司(Cairn Energy PLC)進行深海石油鑽探,與丹麥軍方正面遭遇。

23日上午,綠色和平組織發言人班‧史都華(Ben Stewart)於「希望號」船上表示,他們遭到丹麥軍方以充氣艇包圍,上面載有丹麥軍艦支援的黑衣人員。

「希望號」目前位於加拿大與格陵蘭之間的戴維斯海峽,停駐在「Stena Don」深海鑽油井(drilling rig)的2公里外,該處油井是石油公司凱恩能源在格陵蘭外海擁有的兩處採勘井之一。凱恩能源總部設於愛丁堡,是歐洲最大的獨立石油與天然氣公司之一。




海上對峙的同時,保護氣候的抗議者也出現在凱恩能源總部、佛斯能源(Forth Energy)愛丁堡辦公室外,而另有上百個抗議者已經迫使RBS總部關閉。










有一組行動人士則藉由諧仿女神卡卡熱門歌曲「Pokerface」的歌舞,改寫歌詞成RBS資助化石燃料,這個舉動讓其愛丁堡幾家分行關門。他們還闖入皇家哩大道(Royal Mile)上RBS贊助的表演舞台,向路人表演這齣歌舞。


一名行動成員哈利‧雷諾茲(Harry Reynolds)表示:「我們今天(23日)已經做了很多事來阻撓RBS的骯髒能源業務,但我們會盡力持續施壓,直到我們設法切斷資金從這些銀行流向化石燃料產業。」Protest Ship in the Arctic; Superglue, Chains and Oil at the BankEDINBURGH, Scotland, August 23, 2010 (ENS)

Today’s actions by campaigners against fossil fuels and their investors saw a Greenpeace ship protesting deep sea oil drilling by a British company in Arctic waters confronted by the Danish military and the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters shut down.

This morning Ben Stewart, a Greenpeace spokesman on board the Esperanza in the Davis Straits between Canada and Greenland, said the ship was encircled by three Danish military inflatable boats with black-clad personnel backed by a Danish warship.

The Esperanza is anchored about two kilometers from the deepwater drilling rig Stena Don, one of two exploration wells being drilled off Greenland by the Edinburgh-based oil firm Cairn Energy, one of Europe’s largest independent oil and gas companies.

Stewart said they were warned that the Esperanza would be raided and the captain arrested if the ship breaches the 500 meter security zone surrounding the rig.

The Esperanza left London 12 days ago to confront what Stewart called "dangerous deepwater drilling in the Arctic."

"It’s not the oil rigs that need protecting," Greenpeace UK said in a statement today. "We all saw the risks of deepwater drilling with BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. The risks in the colder waters of the Arctic are of a different magnitude. The freezing waters mean that any oil spilt takes much longer to break down. Also, the annual freezing of the sea means any ’relief well’ would take up to three years to drill, leaving the oil gushing out for all that time."

The confrontation at sea came as climate protesters appeared at Cairn Energy’s headquarters and the offices of Forth Energy in Edinburgh and hundreds of others shut down the headquarters of the Royal Bank of Scotland.

At the entrance to Cairn Energy headquarters, they delivered a giant fake piggy bank to symbolize public funds supporting the company’s activities, and spilled molasses to symbolize oil, spraying more on the walls and columns.

The activists said they learned yesterday that Cairn Energy received 117 million pounds of loans and equity last year from the Royal Bank of Scotland, almost half of which directly enabled the drilling off the Greenland coast to begin.

Seven people demonstrated at the Forth Energy building at Leith against the company’s plans to build four biomass power plants in Scotland. Two scaled the roof to unveil banners linking biomass with climate change and pollution. Three protesters entered Forth’s offices and chained themselves to the furniture while two others chained themselves to the front of the offices.

In Gogarburn on the eastern edge of the city, the Royal Bank of Scotland headquarters was the scene of a climate camp that first appeared on Thursday. By Sunday, hundreds of campaigners had gathered.

Over the weekend, activists lay siege to the RBS headquarters with a six-meter (19 foot) tall mock siege tower on wheels with a lifesize papier mache rhinoceros head mounted on the front.

A banner was dropped from a building reading "oil tar sands = environmental chaos." Another banner was dropped over the A8 roadway which read, "RBS: using our money to fuck the planet."

On Sunday, several hundred activists dressed in white biohazard coveralls invaded the RBS headquarters complex and held a dance party in the foyer. On Friday one activist gained access to the reception area and superglued herself to the front desk.

Today, the RBS headquarters building was shuttered and thousands of employees were told to work at home or take the day off.

At the Royal Bank of Scotland branch on Nicholson Street three activists super-glued themselves across the doorway. Others played music and danced while distributing leaflets. Police made three arrests.

After police took the first group of protestors away, a group of demonstrators covered with molasses again shut down the Nicolson Street bank branch by locking themselves to the building.

Seven protesters superglued themselves to the car park of the RBS industrial estate at the Gyle Shopping Centre.

A group of activists caused the closure of RBS bank branches in Edinburgh by performing a spoof song-and-dance version of Lady Gaga’s number one hit "Pokerface," rewriting the lyrics to talk about RBS’ funding of fossil fuels. They invaded an RBS-sponsored stage on the Royal Mile and performed the routine for passersby.

A group of 40-50 street theatre activists dramatized how "RBS’ PR masks the reality of its investments" by performing "Greenwash Guerrilla" street theatre at Gogarburn and the Royal Mile. Lothian and Borders Police said they arrested eight people in Edinburgh today.

Reynolds said, "We’ve done a lot to disrupt RBS dirty energy operations today, but we are committed to keeping up the pressure until we manage to cut off the flow of capital from the banks to the fossil fuel industry."


文章來源: 環境資訊中心

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