



「你會預期洛杉磯斯台普斯中心(Staples Center)擁有太陽能,但可能不認為西雅圖也會有。」奎斯特運動場暨活動中心(Qwest Field and Event Center)的總經理助理班吉(Darryl Benge)說道,奎斯特是西雅圖海鷹隊的主場。


各運動聯盟分發一份太陽能發展指南,這是由聯盟的諮詢團體自然資源保護委員會(NRDC)與博那維爾環境基金會(Bonneville Environmental Foundation, BEF)代為製作。該指南強調每一個場館都需要就地加裝太陽能發電設施,納入場館的能源組成之中。







該指南也提及最近裝設太陽能陣列系統的美國航空中心球場(US Airways Center),位於亞利桑那州鳳凰城。2009年,鳳凰城太陽隊、鳳凰城市政府與亞利桑納公共事業(電力)公司合作,在航空中心球場停車場五樓裝設太陽能板。1125塊尚德科技(Suntech)的太陽能板鋪設面積達18000平方英尺,有助於抵減該場館的傳統能源使用。U.S. Stadiums and Sports Arenas Power Up With SolarCHICAGO, Illinois, September 8, 2010 (ENS)

Professional sports leagues across the country today moved as one in support of solar power and clean energy in arenas and stadiums to help curb climate change.

Major League Baseball, the National Football League, the National Basketball Association, the National Hockey League, and Major League Soccer delivered a letter encouraging all their teams and facilities to begin using solar power.

"You expect solar on the Staples Center, but maybe not in Seattle," said Darryl Benge, assistant general manager of Qwest Field and Event Center, home to the Seattle Seahawks football team.

"But despite our town’s reputation for rainy weather, we are excited to generate some of our own electricity and show that renewable energy can work everywhere," Benge said.

The leagues distributed a solar development guide produced on their behalf by advocacy groups the Natural Resources Defense Council, NRDC, and Bonneville Environmental Foundation, BEF. The guide outlines the work necessary for each stadium to add on-site solar power generation to its energy mix.

Benge said, "We used the information provided by NRDC and BEF to evaluate our sites and build an Request for Proposals for the [solar] system we will be putting on our event center roof."

The environmental groups say the leagues’ embrace of solar power sends a strong message to millions of fans and event-goers and it could have a big impact on the teams’ bottom lines too.

In most American cities, solar panels can pay for themselves, potentially offsetting significant energy costs in the long-term. Los Angeles’ Staples Center, for example, currently meets five percent of the facility’s total energy needs with a solar power array.

The guide offers a step-by-step outline on how to begin moving forward with on-site solar panels. They include an overview of the advantages and challenges that come with various technologies, and ideas on locating panels and their dimensions, cost estimates. There are suggestions on financing the initial installation costs, as well location-specific estimates on time for the energy generated to payback initial costs and greenhouse gas savings for each pro team market.

The guide uses Staples Center in Los Angeles as an example of how to integrate solar power into a sports facility. Staples Center serves as home to the L.A. Lakers and L.A. Clippers basketball teams, the L.A. Sparks women’s basketball team, the L.A. Kings ice hockey team, and the L.A. Avengers football team well as hosting special events and concerts.

Staples Center currently has 1,727 solar panels installed on its rooftop. The 345.6 kilowatt system associated with the Staples Center will provide environmental offsets over the next 25 years, management of the center says. These benefits include the elimination of over 10,000 tons of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, over 33 tons of nitrous oxide, another of the principal greenhouse gases and more than 27 tons of sulfur dioxide.

The guide also points to the newly installed solar array at the US Airways Center in Phoenix, Arizona. In 2009, the Phoenix Suns organization, the City of Phoenix and APS partnered to install solar panels on the fifth level of the US Airways Center parking garage. The 1,125 Suntech solar panels covering about 18,000 square feet are generating electricity to help offset the traditional energy usage of the arena.


文章來源: 環境資訊中心

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