年銷售總額超過350億歐元的50家珠寶商聯合表示,他們將不會使用來自英美資源集團(Anglo American plc)這個礦產公司提議開採的佩柏金礦(Pebble Mine),因為這個礦坑的開採將威脅阿拉斯加布理斯多灣(Bristol Bay)地區裡,最重要的捕釣野生紅鮭魚勝地。
一家英國獨立營運的珠寶零售商Fraser Hart,以及英國皇室的珠寶供應商Boucheron,連同John Hardy與Ingle&Rhode都是最新加入簽署拒買來自佩柏黃金的珠寶商。
這些珠寶商加入了Tiffany & Co,Goldsmith, Mappin以及Webb, Beaverbrooks的行列,聯合反對佩柏金礦,在此行列中的還有代表來自英國與全世界數千家珠寶店的零售商與設計師。
珠寶商Fraser Hart的執行長柯依(Noel Coyle)說道,「在某些地區,開採珍貴的金屬對該區域的環境以及社區造成的風險太大,而布里斯托灣就是一例。我們支持保護布里斯托灣免於大規模採礦的開發,而且我們將不會購買犧牲了布理斯托灣附近的社區以及鮭魚捕撈區為代價的金礦。」
Tiffany & Co.的執行長科沃斯基(Michael Kowalski)表示,「世界上有許多特殊的地區,採礦行為並不是長期利用資源的最佳方法。我們相信在布里斯托灣這個區域,當地與眾不同的鮭魚捕撈業明顯地賦予了阿拉斯加西南部社區的居民一個永續的謀生機會。對Tiffany & Co.還有其他同業來說,這表示我們必須另覓他處,以負責任的方式尋求黃金的來源。」
總部位於英國的「地球工作」(EARTHWORKS),是一個推動國際礦業改革的組織,組織成員嘉斯陵(Bonnie Gestring)表示,「這是一個里程碑。50家珠寶公司拒絕一個特定的地區或是礦場,開了珠寶商的先例。」
佩柏礦脈是全世界最大的銅與黃金班岩地質系統之一,並且在目前全世界已發現最豐富的礦藏中名列前茅。美國地質調查機構(U.S. Geological Survey)已經將佩柏區域土地的資源列為世界上最大規模的礦藏系統。
一位名為安德魯(Bobby Andrew)的漁夫表示,「鮭魚是生命。」這位漁夫同時也身兼努納姆塔奧魯克斯泰(Nunamta Aulukestai,意思是我們土地的照護者)的發言人,他們是9個阿拉斯加布里斯托灣原住民村落聯合組成的協會。
提案開採的佩柏金礦位於安克拉治市西南方約340公里處,是由總部位於倫敦的英美資源集團與加拿大的北方王朝礦產公司(Northern Dynasty Minerals)聯合企劃。這兩家公司現在握有422平方公里土地的採礦權。
一位布理斯托灣的漁夫湯普森(Everett Thompson)說道,「當我們去年與英美資源集團會面的時候,執行長凱洛(Cynthia Carroll)說他們將不會進駐任何不歡迎他們的地方。而80%的布里斯托居民都不想要這個礦場,連珠寶商都不想要這裡的黃金,所以到底為什麼英美資源集團還硬是要進駐開採?」
阿拉斯加代表周四(11日)將會與英美資源集團的銅礦部門執行長麥肯錫(John MacKenzie)會面,麥肯錫是佩柏採礦計畫的主要監督人。英美資源集團持續在主要媒體如英國衛報與經濟學人雜誌刊登全頁廣告,宣傳其對人權的承諾以及「零危害」。
在12月3日,金士頓科學與公共政策中心(Keystone Center for Science and Public Policy)將舉辦一場全天的活動,由獨立科學小組對提議的佩柏礦場進行探討。
科學小組將會審視和以下領域的議題相關的資訊:地質與地球化學;水文與水文地質;魚類,野生動物與植物;社會與經濟動態;負責任的大規模採礦;以及風險評估。Jewelers Boycott Pebble Mine Gold to Save Bristol Bay SalmonLONDON, UK, November 4, 2010 (ENS)
Fifty jewelers, with more than £3.5 billion (US$5.75 billion) in annual sales, say they will not source gold from Anglo American plc’s proposed Pebble Mine, which threatens the world’s most important fishing grounds for wild sockeye salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska.
Fraser Hart, a UK independent jewelry retailer; and Boucheron, a supplier of jewels to the British royal family; along with John Hardy and Ingle & Rhode are the latest signatories to a jewelers’ pledge to not buy gold from Pebble Mine.
They join Tiffany & Co, Goldsmiths, Mappin and Webb, Beaverbrooks as well as other retailers and designers representing thousands of stores in the UK and worldwide that are opposed to the mine.
"In some areas, mining of precious metals presents too great a risk to communities and the environment. Bristol Bay is such an area," said Noel Coyle, CEO of Fraser Hart. "We support protection of Bristol Bay from large-scale mining, and will not source gold that comes at the expense of the communities and salmon fisheries of Bristol Bay."
"There are some special places where mining clearly does not represent the best long-term use of resources," said Michael Kowalski, CEO of Tiffany & Co. "In Bristol Bay, we believe the extraordinary salmon fishery clearly provides the best opportunity to benefit Southwestern Alaskan communities in a sustainable way. For Tiffany & Co., and we believe for many of our fellow retail jewelers, this means we must look to other places to responsibly source our gold."
"This is a milestone. Fifty jewellers refusing gold from a specific place or mine - it’s a precedent for jewelers," said Bonnie Gestring, of EARTHWORKS, an international mining reform organization based in the UK.
One of the world’s largest mining companies, Anglo American plc is headquartered in the UK and listed on the London and Johannesburg stock exchanges.
The Pebble deposit is among the largest copper-gold porphyry systems, and one of the greatest stores of mineral wealth, ever discovered. The U.S. Geological Survey lists the Pebble resource lands as the most extensive mineralized system in the world.
The proposed open-pit mine would be the largest in North America and is expected generate an estimated 10 billion tonnes of mine waste, much of it toxic and held on the site forever.
If it goes ahead, critics say the mine would destroy salmon spawning habitat in a designated Fishery Reserve, and jeopardize the commercial fishing industry and the livelihoods of the Alaska Native communities in the region.
With gold selling at record highs of over US$1,300 an ounce, permits applications are expected next year.
The Bristol Bay salmon fishery supplies a third of the world’s commercial supply of wild sockeye salmon. It is the mainstay of many Alaska Native communities and is critical to the state’s economy, generating an average of $400 million a year and over 5,500 jobs.
The UK is the largest consumer of canned sockeye salmon from Bristol Bay, with $43 million worth of salmon exported to the UK last year.
"Salmon is life," said Bobby Andrew, a subsistence fisherman and spokesman for Nunamta Aulukestai, which translates as Caretakers of our Land, an association of nine Alaska Native village corporations in Bristol Bay.
"It has sustained our economy and our people for generations," said Andrew. "The support from jewelers is important to us because jewelry demand represents 80 percent of the global mine production of gold."
The proposed Pebble Mine, roughly 200 miles southwest of Anchorage, is a project of London-based Anglo American and Northern Dynasty Minerals of Canada. The two companies now hold 163 square miles of mining claims.
The partnership has poured US$323 million into the project so far and has earmarked a total of $1.4 billion for this stage.
The gold and copper mine would require construction of large dams to contain toxic mine waste, a deepwater port, pipelines, an 86-mile road, a power plant, and hundreds of miles of power lines.
"When we met last year with Anglo American, [CEO] Cynthia Carroll said they won’t go where they aren’t wanted," said Everett Thompson, a Bristol Bay commercial fisherman. "Eighty percent of folks in Bristol Bay don’t want the mine. And jewelers don’t want the gold. So why is Anglo American still pushing for the mine?"
On Thursday, the Alaskan delegation will meet with John MacKenzie, CEO of Anglo American’s Copper Division, which oversees the Pebble Mine project. The company has been running full-page advertisements in "The Guardian" newspaper and "The Economist" magazine, promoting its commitment to human rights and "zero harm."
On December 3, the Keystone Center for Science and Public Policy will convene a day-long event featuring independent science panels on the proposed Pebble Mine.
Held at the University of Alaska, Anchorage, the discussion is intended to help stakeholders make informed decisions about the mine. It follows a stakeholder assessment process in 2008, during which the Keystone Center talked with some 90 people in southwest Alaska to identify areas of environmental, social, and economic concern associated with the proposed Pebble Mine.
The science panels will review information in the following topic areas: geology and geochemistry; hydrology and hydrogeology; fish, wildlife, and vegetation; social and economic dynamics; responsible large-scale mining; and risk assessment.
文章來源: 環境資訊中心
- Jan 13 Fri 2012 05:32
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