1. 教育部昨天(20)在新北市板橋高中,舉辦十二年國教中央及地方宣導團成員座談會,有團員說,經過幾個月的調適,家長情緒式的謾罵已經遞減,建設性的建議增加;部長蔣偉寧表示,國中端的教學方式必須改變,十二年國教才會成功,明年將編列32億元,致力改善國中的教學模式。
Yesterday, the Ministry of Education held a seminar at the National Pan Chiao Senior High School. Participants of the seminar are the counselors from the central and local regions for the promotion scheme towards the 12-year compulsory education. Certain counselors mentioned after the adjustment from the parents’ part in the last few months, their parents’ emotional accusations towards the 12-year compulsory education plan are dwindling, and the constructive suggestions are increasing. Minister Jiang from the Ministry of Education points out that the teaching methodologies in the junior high schools need to be revolutionized so that the 12-year compulsory education plan can be successful. He further mentioned in 2013, a budget of 3.2 billion NTD will be codified to be dedicated to the improvement of the teaching styles in the junior high schools.
2. 教育部配合十二年國教,推動「大學校院協助高中職優質精進計畫」。但是臺北市家長團體卻質疑這項計畫,將臺北市高中職排除在外,影響基北區9萬名學生的就學權益。教育部表示,這項計畫並沒有排除臺北市,主要是先以教育資源弱勢的高中為優先考量。
To go hand in hand with the 12-year compulsory education plan, the Ministry of Education has promoted a project which elevates the quality in the high schools and vocational high schools through the assistance of colleges and universities. However, the parents groups from Taipei City are questioning this project, indicating that the vocational schools in Taipei City are excluded from it. They claim this will influence the educational right of the 90,000 students studying at schools in the northern part of Taiwan. According to the Ministry of Education, however, this project does not exclude (those studying in) Taipei City; it mainly puts high schools with less educational resources into priority.
3. 臺中市東勢高工家具設計和室內設計科教師所組成的「宜室宜家教學團隊」,今年以「木藝傳承,數位創新」方案,榮獲教育部高中職教學卓越金質獎。今年教育部教學卓越獎全國高中職只有4個學校獲獎,臺中市就佔了3所學校,分別是大里高中、臺中家商以及東勢高工。
An educational team stressed on the comfort of housing and the living environment formed by teachers from the departments of Furniture Design and Interior Design at the National Dongshih Industrial High School has won the dubbed, Vocational High School Teaching Excellence Gold Prize from the Ministry of Education. The project propelling this group of teachers to win the prize is the dubbed, the Legacy of Wood Craftsmanship and the Digital Innovation Technology. This year, merely four high schools and vocational schools in Taiwan won this Teaching Excellence prize, and three of them are from Taichung City. These schools are National Dali Senior High School, Taichung Home Economics and Commercial High School, and National Dongshih Industrial High School.
4. 近來國內的景氣不佳,崔媽媽基金會為了幫助弱勢民眾就業,和推薦的17家優良搬家業者,聯合舉辦搬家業的新人招募活動,預計開放50個基礎作業人員的職缺,並提供可以挑戰百萬年薪的求才誘因,希望讓意願從事搬家業的民眾,在接受完整的基礎培訓後,可以進入優良的搬家公司就業。
Due to the economic downturn, Tsuei Ma Ma Foundation collaborates with 17 moving businesses it recommends to open 50 entry-level positions in the moving industry to help the disadvantaged residents enter the job market. Also, one incentive in this recruitment offers the applicants possible chances to earn 1 million NTD per year. It is hoped that after the complete basic courses and training process, those who are interested in the moving industry can work at the prestigious moving companies in the local market.
5. 根據經濟合作發展組織〈OECD〉最新研究顯示,美國在提供早期兒童教育機會的表現上,仍然落後大多數主要的世界經濟體。美國4歲兒童參加學前教育計畫的比例是69%,在38個國家中排名第28。法國、荷蘭、西班牙、墨西哥等國,以兒童參加學前教育計畫超過95%的比例,領先世界各國,愛爾蘭、波蘭、芬蘭、巴西則落後美國。
The latest research released by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development shows the result of the early childhood education in the US still lags behind in comparison with the majority of nations with strong economies. 69% of the children from the US participate in the preschool educational project. This percentage ranks as 28 amongst 38 nations. France, the Netherlands, Spain, Mexico and so on surpass other nations worldwide with more than 95% of their preschool children joining the preschool educational project, while figures in Ireland, Poland, Finland and Brazil are behind those in the US.
轉載自~ 國立教育廣播電台
- Mar 04 Mon 2013 11:35